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Affordable Housing for All

Everyone in our community needs and deserves a safe home, but they’re getting harder and harder to afford. Neighbors who have lived their whole lives in our community now get priced out of their homes so landlords and corporations can make a quick profit. In the Senate, Patty will continue the fight for proven solutions to decrease the cost of living in our community and make sure everyone in Dauphin County has affordable access to a quality home.

Pennsylvania State Senate Candidate discusses the cost of living with constituents

Protecting Reproductive Rights

Patty has a 100% pro-choice voting record, and will always defend a woman’s privacy and right to choose.

Patty fought against restrictions on reproductive freedom such as House Bill 321 and Senate Bill 3. Once elected to the State Senate, she hopes to continue her work with other elected officials, and advocacy groups like Represent PA and Planned Parenthood, to form a strong coalition that ensures no bill restricting access to healthcare will ever become law in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania State Senate Candidate Patty Kim meets with doctors, nurses, and first responders

Defending LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians from Discrimination

Patty stands proud in support of our vibrant LGBTQ+ community because Pennsylvania is for all of us. Love, equality, and understanding are foundations of our community. We should all feel free, welcome, and empowered to be who we are and love who we love.

Patty co-sponsored and voted for the Fairness Act. It would explicitly protect LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians from many forms of discrimination, from housing to public accommodations to employment. We’ve come a long way in making a more welcoming community, but there is so much work left to be done to contribute to a culture of freedom and inclusion in Dauphin County and all of Pennsylvania.